Monday, April 17, 2006

The Breath of God

Life is so fast and hurried. It seems that things continue to buzz and whirl around me; distracting, pressuring, and rushing me. These things easily distract, and as we eliminate these distractions, five more appear to replace it. All of these things make noise and cry out for my attention, but the thing I need the most is the thing I neglect quickest. I cant tell you how many times I have felt God stirring my heart for time with Him...a stirring for some time of quiet undistracted attention...but I am quickly pulled away to a movie, time with friends, church, and even studying to teach a lesson. I miss those intimate times with God, and have begun to wonder why I am so quickly walking away. So, I took some time to look at some verses and something has recently stood out. In 2 Tim 3:16 it says that "All scripture is inspired and is profitable..." The word inspired simply means that it is "God breathed." There are a lot of implications in this word; like that He created it, it has His authority; it is exactly what He wants it to be. These are all things that we would agree with, but I think that there is something else that can and should be added to this. I am assuming that we have all been taught about personal bubbles. By personal bubble, I mean the space that surrounds us that very few people can enter into. We are comfortable with strangers as long as they are a certain distance away. None of us want a complete stranger to be 2 inches from our face while they are talking with us. The better we know someone, the closer to us they can come when we are talking. Have you ever had someone so close that you could feel there breathe when they spoke to you? That is a very intimate space, very few are allowed should probably only be for a husband and wife. Can you picture God communicating to you so closely that you can feel His breath? That is exactly what the Bible is. While God reveals Himself generally through many ways, He specifically and intimately uses the Word of God. I haven’t been viewing the Bible like that lately. It has turned into a book I read. The wonder of it, the intimacy of it, the difficulty of it all seem to have faded. Why? It hasn’t changed. It is alive (Hebrews says that it is living and powerful). My heart has grown dull and calloused. I have wandered off. But the breath of God is as close as the Scriptures.